Development and modelling of highly-efficient PVT collectors with low-emissivity coatings M Lämmle, T Kroyer, S Fortuin, M Wiese, M Hermann Solar Energy 130, 161-173, 2016 | 122 | 2016 |
PVT collector technologies in solar thermal systems: A systematic assessment of electrical and thermal yields with the novel characteristic temperature approach M Lämmle, A Oliva, M Hermann, K Kramer, W Kramer Solar Energy 155, 867-879, 2017 | 108 | 2017 |
Performance modeling of PVT collectors: Implementation, validation and parameter identification approach using TRNSYS D Jonas, M Lämmle, D Theis, S Schneider, G Frey Solar Energy 193, 51-64, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
Performance of air and ground source heat pumps retrofitted to radiator heating systems and measures to reduce space heating temperatures in existing buildings M Lämmle, C Bongs, J Wapler, D Günther, S Hess, M Kropp, S Herkel Energy 242, 122952, 2022 | 67 | 2022 |
A PVT collector concept with variable film insulation and low-emissivity coating M Lämmle, C Thoma, M Hermann Energy Procedia 91, 72-77, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Basic concepts of PVT collector technologies, applications and markets M Lämmle, M Herrando, G Ryan, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Development of highly efficient, glazed PVT collectors with overheating protection to increase reliability and enhance energy yields M Lämmle, M Hermann, K Kramer, C Panzer, A Piekarczyk, C Thoma, ... Solar Energy 176, 87-97, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Thermal management of PVT collectors: development and modelling of highly efficient glazed, flat plate PVT collectors with low emissivity coatings and overheating protection M Lämmle PhD thesis. Fraunhofer ISE & Uni Freiburg, 2018 | 15* | 2018 |
Analysis of the performance and operation of a photovoltaic-battery heat pump system based on field measurement data S Baraskar, D Günther, J Wapler, M Lämmle Solar Energy Advances 4, 100047, 2024 | 14 | 2024 |
Key Performance Indicators for PVT Systems D Zenhäusern, A Gagliano, D Jonas, G Tina, JC Hadorn, M Lämmle, ..., 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
New town hall in Freiburg (D): concept, performance and energy balance after the first year of monitoring of a large net plus-energy building N Rehault, M Lämmle, P Engelmann, L Munzinger, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Heat Pump Systems in Existing Multifamily Buildings: A Meta‐Analysis of Field Measurement Data Focusing on the Relationship of Temperature and Performance of Heat Pump Systems M Lämmle, J Metz, M Kropp, J Wapler, T Oltersdorf, D Günther, S Herkel, ... Energy Technology 11 (12), 2300379, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
Assessment of the global potential for CO2 mitigation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) until 2050 M Lämmle, H Marth Diploma thesis, Karlsruhe, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Design Guidelines for PVT Collectors JC Hadorn, M Lämmle, K Kramer, G Munz, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Gezielter Heizkörper-Austausch in Wärmepumpen-Heizungsanlagen M Lämmle, J Wapler, M Kropp, S Hess, D Hahn, G David, S Herkel AA IV 16, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Optimization of energetic refurbishment roadmaps for multi-family buildings utilizing heat pumps R Vollmer, M Lämmle, S Hess, HM Henning Energy and Buildings 280, 112729, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Performance of Heat Pump Systems with PVT Collectors with optimized Finned Heat Exchangers integrated as single Heat Source M Lämmle, G Munz Proceedings of the EuroSun 2022, 0-4, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Einfluss der Trinkwarmwasser-Systemvariante auf die Performance von Wärmepumpen in Mehrfamilienhäusern M Kropp, O Hörnle, M Lämmle, J Wapler, S Hess Deutsche Kälte‐und Klimatagung 2020 online 46, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Existing PVT systems and solutions A Baggenstos, A Mellor, A Gagliano, C Corino, D Zenhäusern, D Cabral, ... IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA SHC), 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Simple models for architecture with BIPVT or BIST C Maurer, W Sprenger, M Lämmle, TE Kuhn Energy Forum Adv. Build. Skins, 1-5, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |