Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen
Regents Professor of Information Science, University of North Texas
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Retrospective pretest: a practical technique for professional development evaluation.
JM Allen, K Nimon
Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 44 (3), 27-42, 2007
Applying technology to online counseling: Suggestions for the beginning e-therapist
RK Elleven, J Allen
Journal of Instructional Psychology 31, 223-226, 2004
Teams as a sub‐process for knowledge management
JR Turner, T Zimmerman, JM Allen
Journal of Knowledge Management 16 (6), 963-977, 2012
Nontraditional students in community colleges and the model of college outcomes for adults
N Philibert, J Allen, R Elleven
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 32 (8), 582-596, 2008
Resident assistant training: A southwestern perspective
RK Elleven, J Allen, M Wircenski
College Student Journal 35 (4), 609-616, 2001
Leadership perception
TP Bradley, JM Allen, S Hamilton, SK Filgo
Performance Improvement Quarterly 19 (1), 7-23, 2006
Measuring culture of innovation: A validation study of the innovation quotient instrument (part one)
S Danks, J Rao, JM Allen
Performance Improvement Quarterly 29 (4), 427-454, 2017
Training older workers: Implications for HRD/HPT professionals
JM Allen, M Hart
Performance Improvement Quarterly 11 (4), 91-102, 1998
The multifaceted sensemaking theory: a systematic literature review and content analysis on sensemaking
JR Turner, J Allen, S Hawamdeh, G Mastanamma
Systems 11 (3), 145, 2023
A review of the retrospective pretest: Implications for performance improvement evaluation and research
K Nimon, J Allen
Workforce Education Forum 44 (1), 36-55, 2007
Corporate Chaplaincy Programs: An exploratory study relates corporate chaplain activities to employee assistance programs
K Nimon, N Philibert, J Allen
Journal of management, spirituality & religion 5 (3), 231-263, 2008
Utilization of technology-enhanced Delphi techniques
CG Andrews, JM Allen
Workforce Education Forum 29 (1), 1-15, 2002
Reporting confidence intervals and effect sizes: Collecting the evidence
LR Zientek, Z Ozel, S Ozel, J Allen
Career and Technical Education Research 37 (3), 277-295, 2012
Measuring culture of innovation: A validation study of the innovation quotient instrument (part 2)
S Danks, J Rao, JM Allen
Performance Improvement Quarterly 30 (1), 29-53, 2017
Age as a diversity issue in grades K-12 and in higher education
M Wircenski, Michelle Walker, Jeff Allen, Lynda West
Educational Gerontology 25 (6), 491-500, 1999
Challenges of training and retraining mature learners
D Ennis-Cole, JM Allen
Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education 20, 35-42, 1998
Measuring the effectiveness of transfer of learning constructs and intent to transfer in a simulation-based leadership training program
JW Hix
University of North Texas, 2013
Leadership in career and technical education: Beginning the 21st century
JA Gregson
University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education, 2005
Virtual HRD and national culture: an information processing perspective
CH Chung, P Angnakoon, J Li, J Allen
European Journal of Training and Development 40 (1), 21-35, 2016
Employee performance and engagement for performance improvement
JM Allen, A Turner, J Turner
Performance Improvement Quarterly 30 (4), 225-230, 2018
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Articles 1–20