Vulnerability of Bavarian silty loam soil to compaction under heavy wheel traffic: impacts of tillage method and soil water content HG Yavuzcan, D Matthies, H Auernhammer Soil and Tillage Research 84 (2), 200-215, 2005 | 89 | 2005 |
Digital forensics: an analytical crime scene procedure model (ACSPM) HI Bulbul, HG Yavuzcan, M Ozel Forensic science international 233 (1-3), 244-256, 2013 | 75 | 2013 |
Wheel traffic impact on soil conditions as influenced by tillage system in Central Anatolia HG Yavuzcan Soil and Tillage Research 54 (3-4), 129-138, 2000 | 47 | 2000 |
Soil strength as affected by tillage system and wheel traffic in wheat-corn rotation in central Anatolia HG Yavuzcan, M Vatandas, R Gürhan Journal of Terramechanics 39 (1), 23-34, 2002 | 41 | 2002 |
Varnish layer hardness of oriental beech (fagus orientalist L.) wood as affected by impregnation and bleaching M Atar, H Keskin, H Güçlü Yavuzcan JCT research 1, 219-224, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Co-design practice in industrial design education in Turkey a participatory design project Z Yalman, HG Yavuzcan Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 2244-2250, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Impact of impregnation and bleaching on the surface hardness of oak (Quercus petraea L.) wood H Keskin, M Atar, H Güçlü Yavuzcan Journal of Applied Polymer Science 93 (2), 498-504, 2004 | 23 | 2004 |
Automatic segmentation of color images with transitive closure MO Incetas, R Demirci, HG Yavuzcan AEU-international Journal of Electronics and Communications 68 (3), 260-269, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Impacts of impregnation with Imersol‐Aqua on the modulus of elasticity in bending Y Örs, M Atar, H Keskin, H Güçlü Yavuzcan Journal of Applied Polymer Science 99 (6), 3210-3217, 2006 | 18 | 2006 |
Temperature dependent Rolletti stability analysis of GaN HEMT R Yildirim, HG Yavuzcan, FV Çelebi, L Gokrem parameters 8, 25, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Automatic color edge detection with similarity transformation MO Incetas, R Demırcı, HG Yavuzcan Gazi University Journal of Science 32 (2), 458-469, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Çağdaş teknoloji eğitimi modeli ve bu modele uygun bilgisayar destekli öğretim materyalleri geliştirilmesi H YAVUZCAN, O Erden | 11 | 2004 |
A web-based management system and its application for student design projects M Yorulmaz, HG Yavuzcan, A Togay Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the world 2 (2), 203-215, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Learning and evaluation in the design studio Ö Sevgül, HG Yavuzcan Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and …, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
An Instructional Model for Social Design Education: A Design Project for Stray Animals Including Production-Based Learning Approach. HG Yavuzcan, D Sahin, Ö Sevgül, C Yavuz Design and Technology Education 24 (1), n1, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
An analytical analysis of Turkish digital forensics M Ozel, HI Bulbul, HG Yavuzcan, OF Bay Digital Investigation 25, 55-69, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Temperature dependent analysis of HEMT's based on gain, power and Rolletti stability R Yildirim, HG YAVUZCAN, L Gökrem Technology 12 (3), 201-210, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
A Toolkit for Practice-Based Learning of Mechanisms in Industrial Design Education: An Application of a Method Combining Deductive and Inductive Learning. HG Yavuzcan, B Gür Design and Technology Education 25 (3), 47-68, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
YATIK AĞIZ AÇMA VE KALİBRE ETME MAKİNASININ YAPISAL ANALİZİ VE AĞIRLIK OPTİMİZASYONU HG Yavuzcan, M Önder, S Keçel, A Akkurt, MS Korkmaz Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology 3 (3), 555-564, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |