Canan Demir
Canan Demir
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Determination of oxidative stress levels and some antioxidant enzyme activities in prostate cancer
SA Ahmed Amar, R Eryilmaz, H Demir, S Aykan, C Demir
The Aging Male 22 (3), 198-206, 2019
Trace elements, heavy metals and other biochemical parameters in malignant glioma patients
M Arslan, H Demir, H Arslan, AS Gokalp, C Demir
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 12 (2), 447-51, 2011
Erythrocyte catalase and carbonic anhydrase activities in lung cancer
U Cobanoglu, H Demir, M Duran, A Şehitogullari, D Mergan, C Demir
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 11 (5), 1377-82, 2010
Change of the levels of trace elements and heavy metals in threatened abortion
K Turan, A Arslan, K Uçkan, H Demir, C Demir
Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 82 (7), 554-557, 2019
Assessment of heavy metal and trace element levels in patients with telogen effluvium
IH Yavuz, GO Yavuz, SG Bilgili, H Demir, C Demir
Indian journal of dermatology 63 (3), 246-250, 2018
Plasma concentrations of some trace element and heavy metals in patients with metastatic colon cancer
O Emre, H Demir, E Dogan, R Esen, T Gur, C Demir, E Gonullu, N Turan, ...
Journal of cancer therapy 4 (6), 1085-1090, 2013
Oxidant-antioxidant levels in patients with bladder tumours
M Günes, R Eryilmaz, R Aslan, K Taken, H Demir, C Demir
The Aging Male 23 (5), 1176-1181, 2020
Alopecia areata different view; Heavy metals
G Ozaydin-Yavuz, IH Yavuz, H Demir, C Demir, SG Bilgili
Indian Journal of Dermatology 64 (1), 7-11, 2019
The relationship between serum paraoxonase levels and carotid atherosclerotic plaque formation in Alzheimer's patients
A Arslan, FA Tüzün, H Arslan, H Demir, S Tamer, C Demir, M Tasin
Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 50 (6), 403-409, 2016
Serum trace elements and heavy metal levels in patients diagnosed with chronic otitis media and their association with surgical treatment outcomes
N Bozan, ME Dinç, H Demir, A Yalınkılıç, E Gönüllü, M Turan, C Demir, ...
The Journal of International Advanced Otology 13 (3), 345-348, 2017
The effect of computed tomography on oxidative stress level and some antioxidant parameters
AM Gündüz, H Demir, N Toprak, H Akdeniz, C Demir, A Arslan, C Göya
Acta Radiologica 62 (2), 260-265, 2021
Investigation of Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Sleep Apnea Patients
H Turan, C Demir
Natural Science and Discovery 2 (2), 36-40, 2016
Effect of heavy metal and some trace element levels on radiotherapy taken breast cancer patients
H Demir, C Demir
Medical Science and Discovery 3 (3), 116-9, 2016
Change of antioxidant enzyme activities, some metals and lipid peroxidation in Alzheimer's disease
A Arslan, F Tuzun, S Tamer, H Demir, A Aycan, C Demir, M Tasin, ...
Acta Medica Mediterranea 32 (5), 2016
Investigation of prolidase, adenosine deaminase, glutathione s-transferase and glutathione reductase activities in patients with abortus imminens
K Turan, K Uckan, E Sarikaya, H Demir, C Demir
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 8 (6), 2017
Evaluation of oxidative stress in angiography workers
AM Gunduz, C Demir
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Bulaşıcı Hastalıklar İle İlgili Bilgi Durumları
C Demir, H Yıldız, Ş Yürektürk
Van Tıp Derg 27 (4), 458-65, 2020
Basic blue 41 boyar maddesinin elma kabuğundan elde edilen aktif karbon ile adsorplanabilirliğinin matematiksel olarak modellenmesi
C Demir, H Yıldız, AR Kul, S Keskin
Journal of Scientific Reports-C, 55-69, 2020
Determination of some antioxidan enzyme activities in fresh and dry grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)
H Demir, A GÜLER, C Demir
Van Medical Journal 27 (2), 150-154, 2020
The evaluation of diagnostic performance of some enzymes for diagnosis and detection of breast cancer by ROC curve
H Demir, S Keskin, C Demir, H Gokyer
Medical Science and Discovery 3 (6), 250-4, 2016
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Articles 1–20