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Cited by
Investigation of electromagnetic shielding and absorbing capabilities of cementitious composites with waste metallic chips
M Cakir, NU Kockal, S Ozen, A Kocakusak, S Helhel
Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 51 (1), 31-42, 2017
Shielding and mitigations of the magnetic fields generated by the underground power cables
N Il, S Ozen, M Cakir, HF Carlak
PIERS Proceedings, 1436-1439, 2015
Design of N-way Wilkinson power dividers with new Input/Output arrangements for power-halving operations
C Karpuz, M Cakir, AK Gorur, A Gorur
Applied Sciences 13 (11), 6852, 2023
Compact Wilkinson Power Dividers Based on Narrow Slits Loaded Transmission Lines
C Karpuz, AK Gorur, M Cakir, A Cengiz, A Gorur
2023 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), 174-177, 2023
Yapı malzemelerinin mikrodalga frekans bölgesi için dielektrik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve ekran etkinliğin analizi
M Cakir, NU Kockal, S Ozen, S Helhel, A Kocakusak
Viii. Ursi-TURkiye2016 Bilisel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel Kurul Toplantisi, 2016
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