Frank C Langbein
Cited by
Cited by
Registration of 3D point clouds and meshes: A survey from rigid to nonrigid
GKL Tam, ZQ Cheng, YK Lai, FC Langbein, Y Liu, D Marshall, RR Martin, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (7), 1199-1217, 2012
Fast and effective feature-preserving mesh denoising
X Sun, PL Rosin, R Martin, F Langbein
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (5), 925-938, 2007
Bas-relief generation using adaptive histogram equalization
X Sun, PL Rosin, RR Martin, FC Langbein
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (4), 642-653, 2009
Choosing consistent constraints for beautification of reverse engineered geometric models
FC Langbein, AD Marshall, RR Martin
Computer-Aided Design 36 (3), 261-278, 2004
Detecting design intent in approximate CAD models using symmetry
M Li, FC Langbein, RR Martin
Computer-Aided Design 42 (3), 183-201, 2010
Random walks for feature-preserving mesh denoising
X Sun, PL Rosin, RR Martin, FC Langbein
Computer Aided Geometric Design 25 (7), 437-456, 2008
Approximate symmetry detection for reverse engineering
BI Mills, FC Langbein, AD Marshall, RR Martin
Proceedings of the sixth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2001
Noise analysis and synthesis for 3D laser depth scanners
X Sun, PL Rosin, RR Martin, FC Langbein
Graphical Models 71 (2), 34-48, 2009
Estimate of frequencies of geometric regularities for use in reverse engineering of simple mechanical components
BI Mills, FC Langbein, AD Marshall, RR Martin
Internat. J. Shape Modeling. Submitted, 2001
Making bas-reliefs from photographs of human faces
J Wu, RR Martin, PL Rosin, XF Sun, FC Langbein, YK Lai, AD Marshall, ...
Computer-Aided Design 45 (3), 671-682, 2013
Noise in 3D laser range scanner data
X Sun, PL Rosin, RR Martin, FC Langbein
2008 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 37-45, 2008
Detecting approximate symmetries of discrete point subsets
M Li, FC Langbein, RR Martin
Computer-Aided Design 40 (1), 76-93, 2008
Segmenting reliefs on triangle meshes
S Liu, RR Martin, FC Langbein, PL Rosin
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling, 7-16, 2006
Segmenting periodic reliefs on triangle meshes
S Liu, RR Martin, FC Langbein, PL Rosin
Mathematics of Surfaces XII: 12th IMA International Conference, Sheffield …, 2007
Rapidly finding CAD features using database optimization
Z Niu, RR Martin, FC Langbein, MA Sabin
Computer-Aided Design 69, 35-50, 2015
Recognizing geometric patterns for beautification of reconstructed solid models
FC Langbein, BI Mills, AD Marshall, RR Martin
Proceedings International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 10-19, 2001
Design of feedback control laws for information transfer in spintronics networks
SG Schirmer, EA Jonckheere, FC Langbein
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (8), 2523-2536, 2017
Beautification of reverse engineered geometric models
FC Langbein
Cardiff University, 2003
Constructing regularity feature trees for solid models
M Li, FC Langbein, RR Martin
Geometric Modeling and Processing-GMP 2006: 4th International Conference …, 2006
Finding approximate shape regularities in reverse engineered solid models bounded by simple surfaces
F Langbein, BI Mills, AD Marshall, RR Martin
Proceedings of the sixth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2001
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Articles 1–20