Celal Karpuz
Celal Karpuz
Professor of Mining Engineering, METU
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Stochastic modeling of accident risks associated with an underground coal mine in Turkey
M Sari, AS Selcuk, C Karpuz, HSB Duzgun
Safety science 47 (1), 78-87, 2009
Accident analysis of two Turkish underground coal mines
M Sari, HSB Duzgun, C Karpuz, AS Selçuk
Safety Science 42 (8), 675-690, 2004
Field characterisation of weathered Ankara andesites
C Karpuz, AG Pa
Engineering Geology 46 (1), 1-17, 1997
A classification system for excavation of surface coal measures
C Karpuz
Mining Science and Technology 11 (2), 157-163, 1990
Penetration rate prediction for diamond bit drilling by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and multiple regressions
H Basarir, L Tutluoglu, C Karpuz
Engineering Geology 173, 1-9, 2014
A rippability classification system for marls in lignite mines
H Basarir, C Karpuz
Engineering geology 74 (3-4), 303-318, 2004
Estimating rock mass properties using Monte Carlo simulation: Ankara andesites
M Sari, C Karpuz, C Ayday
Computers & Geosciences 36 (7), 959-969, 2010
A methodology for reliability-based design of rock slopes
HSB Duzgun, MS Yucemen, C Karpuz
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 36, 95-120, 2003
Discontinuity mapping with automatic lineament extraction from high resolution satellite imagery
A Koçal, HS Duzgun, C Karpuz
ISPRS XX, Istanbul, 12-23, 2004
Two and three dimensional analysis of a slope failure in a lignite mine
L Tutluoglu, IF Öge, C Karpuz
Computers & Geosciences 37 (2), 232-240, 2011
Drillability studies of surface-set diamond drilling in Zonguldak region sandstones from Turkey
ME Akün, C Karpuz
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 42 (3), 473-479, 2005
Relationship between pre-failure and post-failure mechanical properties of rock material of different origin
L Tutluoğlu, İF Öge, C Karpuz
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 121-141, 2015
Estimating drilling parameters for diamond bit drilling operations using artificial neural networks
S Akin, C Karpuz
International Journal of Geomechanics 8 (1), 68-73, 2008
A probabilistic model for the assessment of uncertainties in the shear strength of rock discontinuities
HSB Duzgun, MS Yucemen, C Karpuz
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 39 (6), 743-754, 2002
Rock variability and establishing confining pressure levels for triaxial tests on rocks
M Sari, C Karpuz
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 43 (2), 328-335, 2006
Preliminary estimation of rock mass strength using diamond bit drilling operational parameters
H Basarir, C Karpuz
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 30 (2), 145-164, 2016
Numerical modelling of out-of-seam dilution in longwall retreat mining
G Saeedi, K Shahriar, B Rezai, C Karpuz
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 47 (4), 533-543, 2010
Geostatistical modeling of spatial variability of SPT data for a borax stockpile site
H Basarir, M Kumral, C Karpuz, L Tutluoglu
Engineering Geology 114 (3-4), 154-163, 2010
Drillability studies on the rotary blasthole drilling of lignite overburden series
C Karpuz, AG Paşamehmetogˇlu, T Dincer, Y Müftüoglu
International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment 4 (2 …, 1990
Specific energy based rippability classification system for coal measure rock
H Basarir, C Karpuz, L Tutluoglu
Journal of Terramechanics 45 (1-2), 51-62, 2008
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Articles 1–20