Kemal Arslan
Cited by
Cited by
Development of numerical realistic model for predicting low-velocity impact response of aluminium honeycomb sandwich structures
R Gunes, K Arslan
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 18 (1), 95-112, 2016
Experimental damage evaluation of honeycomb sandwich structures with Al/B4C FGM face plates under high velocity impact loads
K Arslan, R Gunes
Composite Structures, 2018
Experimental tests and numerical modeling of ballistic impact on honeycomb sandwich structures reinforced by functionally graded plates
K Arslan, R Gunes, MK Apalak, JN Reddy
Journal of Composite Materials 51 (29), 4009-4028, 2017
Ballistic performance of honeycomb sandwich structures reinforced by functionally graded face plates
R Gunes, K Arslan, MK Apalak, JN Reddy
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 21 (1), 211-229, 2019
Ballistic impact simulation of ceramic/metal armor structures
K Arslan, R Gunes
Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi 9 (3), 12-20, 2017
Low-velocity flexural impact analyses of functionally graded sandwich beams using finite element modeling
K Arslan, R Gunes
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 10 (10), 1850113, 2018
Evaluation of geometrically nonlinear and elastoplastic behavior of functionally graded plates under mechanical loading–unloading
K Arslan, R Gunes, MK Apalak, JN Reddy
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (11), 1587-1600, 2022
Numerical investigations on the ballistic performance of honeycomb sandwich structures reinforced by functionally graded plates
R Gunes, K Arslan, MK Apalak, JN Reddy
13th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally …, 2014
Penetration mechanics of ceramic/metal functionally graded plates under ballistic impact: An experimental perspective
K Arslan, R Gunes
Composite Structures 331, 117897, 2024
Experimental analysis on deformation and damage behavior of Al6061/SiC functionally graded plates under low-velocity impact
K Arslan, R Gunes
Ceramics International 49 (19), 31012-31023, 2023
Fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş plakalar ile desteklenmiş bal peteği sandviç yapıların düşük hızlı darbe davranışlarının incelenmesi
K Arslan, R Güneş, MK Apalak, JN Reddy
Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015
Yapıştırıcı ile birleştirilmiş sandviç T tipi bağlantıların düşük hızlı darbe davranışı
U Çalışkan, MK Apalak, K Arslan
Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015
Fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş plakalar ile takviyelendirilmiş bal peteği sandviç yapıların balistik performansının incelenmesi
K Arslan
Yüksek Lisans, Erciyes Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği 137, 2014
Effect of core orientation on low velocity impact response of honeycomb sandwich beams
K Arslan, R Gunes
12th International Conference on Sandwich Structures ICSS-12: Proceedings …, 2018
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Articles 1–14