Niyazi Acer
Niyazi Acer
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900 MHz electromagnetic field exposure affects qualitative and quantitative features of hippocampal pyramidal cells in the adult female rat
O Bas, E Odaci, S Kaplan, N Acer, K Ucok, S Colakoglu
Brain Research 1265, 178-185, 2009
Comparison of three methods for the estimation of total intracranial volume: stereologic, planimetric, and anthropometric approaches
N Acer, B Sahin, O Bas, T Ertekin, M Usanmaz
Annals of plastic surgery 58 (1), 48-53, 2007
Comparison of four methods for the estimation of intracranial volume: a gold standard study
B Sahin, N Acer, OF Sonmez, M Emirzeoglu, H Basaloglu, A Uzun, ...
Clinical Anatomy: The Official Journal of the American Association of …, 2007
Sella turcica: an anatomical, endocrinological, and historical perspective
H Tekiner, N Acer, F Kelestimur
Pituitary 18, 575-578, 2015
Comparison of point counting and planimetry methods for the assessment of cerebellar volume in human using magnetic resonance imaging: a stereological study
N Acer, B Sahin, M Usanmaz, H Tatoğlu, Z Irmak
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 30, 335-339, 2008
Volumetric evaluation of the relations among the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem in young subjects: a combination of stereology and magnetic resonance imaging
N Ekinci, N Acer, A Akkaya, Ş Sankur, T Kabadayi, B Sahin
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 30, 489-494, 2008
Relation between intracranial volume and the surface area of the foramen magnum
N Acer, B Sahin, N Ekinci, H Ergür, H Basaloglu
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 17 (2), 326-330, 2006
Comparison of three methods for the estimation of the pituitary gland volume using magnetic resonance imaging: a stereological study
T Ertekin, N Acer, AT Turgut, K Aycan, Ö Özçelik, M Turgut
Pituitary 14, 31-38, 2011
Analysis of the volumes of the posterior cranial fossa, cerebellum, and herniated tonsils using the stereological methods in patients with Chiari type I malformation
ÜE Vurdem, N Acer, T Ertekin, A Savranlar, MF Inci
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 616934, 2012
Estimation of cranial capacity in 17-26 years old university students
N Acer, M Usanmaz, U Tugay, T Ertekin
Int J Morphol 25 (1), 65-70, 2007
Stereological evaluation of the volume and volume fraction of intracranial structures in magnetic resonance images of patients with Alzheimer's disease
O Bas, N Acer, N Mas, HS Karabekir, OY Kusbeci, B Sahin
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 191 (2), 186-195, 2009
The age-related development of maxillary sinus in children
M Degermenci, T Ertekin, H Ülger, N Acer, A Coskun
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 27 (1), e38-e44, 2016
Stereological estimation of the orbital volume: a criterion standard study
N Acer, B Sahin, H Ergür, H Basaloglu, NG Ceri
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 (3), 921-925, 2009
Unbiased estimation of the eyeball volume using the Cavalieri principle on computed tomography images
N Acer, B Sahin, T Ucar, M Usanmaz
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 (1), 233-237, 2009
Diffusion tensor and volumetric magnetic resonance imaging findings in the brains of professional musicians
N Acer, S Bastepe-Gray, A Sagiroglu, KZ Gumus, L Degirmencioglu, ...
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 88, 33-40, 2018
Investigating the anti-tumoral effect of curcumin on the mice in which Ehrlich ascites and solid tumor is created
S Yılmaz, H Ülger, T Ertekin, AH Yay, M Nisari, Ş Alpa, N Acer
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 22 (4), 418, 2019
Examination of inclinations of the spine at childhood and adolescence
A Tokpınar, H Ülger, S Yılmaz, N Acer, T Ertekin, SB Görkem, H Güler
Folia morphologica 78 (1), 47-53, 2019
Unbiased estimation of the calcaneus volume using the Cavalieri principle on computed tomography images
N Acer, B Bayar, H Basaloglu, E Öner, K Bayar, S Sankur
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 190 (5), 452-460, 2008
Comparison of three methods for the estimation of pineal gland volume using magnetic resonance imaging
N Acer, AT Ilıca, AT Turgut, Ö Özçelik, B Yıldırım, M Turgut
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 123412, 2012
Comparison of two volumetric techniques for estimating volume of intracerebral ventricles using magnetic resonance imaging: a stereological study
N Acer, N Uğurlu, DD Uysal, E Unur, M Turgut, M Camurdanoğlu
Anatomical science international 85, 131-139, 2010
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