Nurdan Acar
Nurdan Acar
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Elevated lactate level and shock index in nontraumatic hypotensive patients presenting to the emergency department
AA Cevik, H Dolgun, S Oner, B Tokar, N Acar, E Ozakin, F Kaya
European Journal of Emergency Medicine 22 (1), 23-28, 2015
Diagnostic value of bedside lung ultrasonography in pneumonia
C Sezgin, M Gunalp, S Genc, N Acar, E Ustuner, AB Oguz, AK Tanriverdi, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 46 (5), 1189-1196, 2020
A rare cause of acute abdominal pain: splenic infarct (case series)
E Ozakin, O Cetinkaya, FB Kaya, A Nurdan, AA Cevik
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine 15 (2), 96-99, 2015
A study on the evaluation of pneumothorax by imaging methods in patients presenting to the emergency department for blunt thoracic trauma
Ş Kaya, AA Çevik, N Acar, E Döner, C Sivrikoz, R Özkan
The perception of privacy in the emergency department: Medical faculty hospital as a case in point
H Ozturk, O Sayligil, A Musmul, NE Acar
Konuralp Medical Journal 10 (1), 26-33, 2018
Diagnostic value of point‐of‐care ultrasound in deep vein thrombosis in the emergency department
ME Canakci, N Acar, M Bilgin, C Kuas
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 48 (9), 527-531, 2020
Predictors of mortality in ST-elevation MI patients: a prospective study
O Zorbozan, AA Cevik, N Acar, E Ozakin, H Ozcelik, A Birdane, ...
Medicine 97 (9), e0065, 2018
Retrospective evaluation of adult poisoning cases admitted to emergency department of a University Hospital in Turkey
S Sungur, U Bilge, N Acar, I Unluoglu
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 21 (8), 1023-1028, 2018
An analysis of patients that underwent computed tomography pulmonary angiography with the prediagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the emergency department
E Ozakin, FB Kaya, N Acar, AA Cevik
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 470358, 2014
Plasma procalcitonin is useful for predicting the Severity of acute cholecystitis
S Sakalar, E Ozakın, AA Cevik, N Acar, S Dogan, FB Kaya, T Kara
Emergency Medicine International 2020 (1), 8329310, 2020
An evaluation of complications in ultrasound-guided central venous catheter insertion in the emergency department
E Ozakin, CAN Rumeysa, A Nurdan, FB Kaya, AA Cevik
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine 14 (2), 53-58, 2014
Acute drug poisonings in Eskisehir, Turkey: A retrospective study
B Ergun, AA Cevik, S Ilgin, O Atli, A Saracoglu, N Acar, D Uzuncakara
Turk J Pharm Sci 10 (2), 303-312, 2013
Characteristics of patients presenting to the academic emergency department in central Anatolia
AT Zeytin, AA Cevik, A Nurdan, K Seyhmus, H Ozcelik
Turkish journal of emergency medicine 14 (2), 75-81, 2014
Osmangazi University score to reduce ionizing radiation in renal colic patients in emergency department
B Baseskioglu, E Ozakin, H Dolgun, E Arslan, N Acar, M Bilgin, E Colak
Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 25 (4), 185-189, 2018
Prevalence of physical and psychological impacts of wearing personal protective equipment on health care workers during COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
K Radha, G George, A Varghese, J Joseph, N Vijayanarayanan
Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 26 (3), 140-150, 2022
Injury, hospitalization, and operation rates are low in aerial sports
AA Cevik, FB Kaya, N Acar, A Sahin, E Ozakin
Turkish journal of emergency medicine 17 (3), 81-84, 2017
Low perfusion index affects the difference in glucose level between capillary and venous blood
N Acar, H Ozcelik, AA Cevik, E Ozakin, G Yorulmaz, N Kebapci, U Bilge, ...
Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 985-991, 2014
The flatness index of inferior vena cava can be an accurate predictor for hypovolemia in multi-trauma patients
NO Yazlamaz, E Ozakin, BT Bastug, E Karakilic, FB Kaya, N Acar, ...
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 36 (4), 414-420, 2021
An assessment of initial symptoms in patients admitted to the ER of a tertiary healthcare institution and diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction
M Kayhan, A Mamur, İ Ünlüoğlu, H Balcıoğlu, N Acar, U Bilge
Biomedical Research 28 (9), 4202-4207, 2017
The diagnostic value of laboratory tests in detecting solid organ injuries in pediatric patients with blunt abdominal trauma
C Kuas, N Acar, E Ozakin, E Karakilic, MS Arda, BT Bastug, GC Yuksel, ...
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 57, 133-137, 2022
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Articles 1–20