Ümit Özçelik
Ümit Özçelik
Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi
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Surgical Complications After Kidney Transplantation.
M Haberal, F Boyvat, A Akdur, M Kırnap, Ü Özçelik
Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle …, 2016
Effect of topical platelet-rich plasma on burn healing after partial-thickness burn injury
U Ozcelik, Y Ekici, HY Bircan, C Aydogan, S Turkoglu, O Ozen, G Moray, ...
Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and …, 2016
Role of donor age and acute rejection episodes on long-term graft survival in cadaveric kidney transplantations
R Emiroğlu, MC Yagmurdur, F Karakayali, C Haberal, U Ozcelik, T Colak, ...
Transplantation proceedings 37 (7), 2954-2956, 2005
Laparoscopic treatment of gallstone ileus
HY Bircan, B Koc, U Ozcelik, O Kemik, A Demirag
Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 7, CCRep. S16512, 2014
Are there any differences between age groups regarding colorectal surgery in elderly patients?
HY Bircan, B Koc, U Ozcelik, G Adas, S Karahan, A Demirag
BMC surgery 14, 1-5, 2014
Liver transplantation for biliary atresia
H Karakayali, S Sevmis, Ü Özçelik, F Ozcay, G Moray, A Torgay, G Arslan, ...
Transplantation proceedings 40 (1), 231-233, 2008
LigaSure® versus clamp tie technique for thyroid surgery; decreased operative time versus increased inflammatory effect: a prospective randomized study.
HY Bircan, A Inal, U Ozcelik, B Koc, A Demirag, G Moray, O Kemik
European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences 18 (14), 2014
Influence of synthetic mesh on ilioinguinal nerve motor conduction and chronic groin pain after inguinal herniorrhaphy: a prospective randomized clinical study.
F Karakayali, M Karatas, U Ozcelik, Y Ekici, O Basaran, G Moray, ...
International surgery 92 (6), 344-350, 2007
Analysis of panel reactive antibodies in renal transplant recipients detected by Luminex: a single-center experience
A İnal, Ü Özçelik, E Ogan Uyanık, E Külah, A Demirağ
Exp Clin Transplant 14 (4), 401-404, 2016
The outcomes of ultralow anterior resection or an abdominoperineal pull-through resection and coloanal anastomosis for radiation-induced recto-vaginal fistula patients
FY Karakayali, T Tezcaner, U Ozcelik, G Moray
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 20 (5), 994-1001, 2016
Massive alimentary tract bleeding due to cytomegalovirus infection in an elderly patient
B Koc, HY Bircan, S Altaner, O Cinar, U Ozcelik, A Yavuz, O Kemik
Infectious disease reports 6 (3), 2014
Jejunal torsion around the right ureter presenting as postoperative bowel obstruction: a case report
HY Bircan, B Koc, U Ozcelik, A Demirag
Journal of Medical Case Reports 8, 1-4, 2014
Evaluation of transplanted kidneys and comparison with healthy volunteers and kidney donors with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: initial experience
U Ozcelik, H Çevik, HY Bircan, F Yarbug Karakayali, I Isiklar, M Haberal
Exp Clin Transplant 10, 2017
Cutaneous necrosis as a result of isosulphane blue injection in mammarian sentinel lymph node mapping: report of two cases
HY Bircan, U Ozcelik, B Koc, O Kemik, A Demirag
Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 7, CCRep. S16784, 2014
Correlation between the Mayo adhesive probability score and the operative time in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
Ü Özçelik, E Eren, DU Urut, T Talih, M Tokaç, A Dinckan
Transplantation proceedings 53 (3), 793-798, 2021
Increased mortality among renal transplant patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillus infection
B Balcan, U Ozcelik, AO Ugurlu, M Aydin, S Nalcaci, F Yarbug Karakayali
Progress in Transplantation 28 (4), 349-353, 2018
Reconstruction of Traumatic External Iliac Artery Dissection Due to Vascular Clamping.
M Kırnap, Ü Özçelik, A Akdur, AS EH, İ Işıklar, G Moray, M Haberal
Experimental and Clinical Transplantation: Official Journal of the Middle …, 2017
Multiple brain abscesses due to phialemonium in a renal transplant recipient: first case report in the literature
M Aydın, Ü Özçelik, H Çevik, Ö Çınar, E Evren, A Demirağ
Exp Clin Transplant 13 (Suppl 3), 77-80, 2015
Renal hilus ligation with single stapler in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
M Tokaç, E Eren, Ü Özçelik, T Şahin, A Dinçkan
Transplantation Proceedings 51 (7), 2225-2227, 2019
Renal transplantation in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: a single center experience
N Alpay, U Ozçelik
Transplantation Proceedings 51 (7), 2295-2297, 2019
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