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Cited by
Comparative performance evaluation of FOC and DTC controlled PMSM drives
F Korkmaz, İ Topaloğlu, MF Cakir, R Gürbüz
4th international conference on power engineering, energy and electrical …, 2013
Fuzzy based stator flux optimizer design for direct torque control
F Korkmaz, MF Cakir, Y Korkmaz, I Topaloglu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.0160, 2012
Investigation of Artificial Neural Network Based Direct Torque Control for PMSM by Numerical Simulations
F Korkmaz, MF Cakır, İ Topaloğlu, R Gurbuz
International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems (IJICS) Vol 3, 1-7, 2013
A new approach to the analysis of water treeing using feature extraction of vented type water tree images
M Karhan, MF Çakır, M Uğur
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 16, 1241-1252, 2021
Optimising of thermal insulation thickness based on wall orientations and solar radiation using heating-degree hour method
C Aktemur, MT Çakır, MF Çakır
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 60, 2024
Investigation of the effect of roughness value on the wettability behavior under electric field in XLPE materials used in medium and high voltage applications
M Karhan, MF Çakır, Ö Arslan
Electrical Engineering 103 (6), 3225-3238, 2021
ANN (Artificial Neural Network) controlled virtual laboratory design for NdFeB magnet production
M Karhan, MF Çakır
Tehnički vjesnik 28 (1), 334-339, 2021
An inexpensive contact angle measurement system
MF Çakır
Revista mexicana de física 68 (2), 2022
Design and optimization of surface mounted line start permanent magnet synchronous motor using electromagnetic design tool
I Topaloglu, H Mamur, F Korkmaz, MF Cakir
2014 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application …, 2014
Evaluating the Effect of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Power Grids in Sivas Province
MT Çakır, MF Çakır
Politeknik Dergisi 26 (3), 1215-1231, 2023
Mel-frekansı kepstral katsayılarını (MFCC) kullanılarak elektriksel boşalma seslerinin analizi
M Karhan, MF Cakir, M Ugur
Güç Sistemleri Konferansı (GSK2016), İstanbul, Türkiye, 2016
Effect of electric field on contact angle and droplet shape in XLPE dielectric materials
M Karhan, MF Çakır, Ö Arslan, F Issi, V Eyupoglu
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 2021
Designing a virtual laboratory for simulating to production of nanocomposite NdFeB magnets
MF Çakir, I Tarimer, O Gürdal
TEM Journal 3 (1), 8, 2014
Stator flux optimization on direct torque control with fuzzy logic
F Korkmaz, MF Cakir, Y Korkmaz, I Topaloglu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.5152, 2012
Nano Boyutlu Manyetik Kompozit Toz Malzemelerin Üretimi İçin Model Geliştirilmesi
MF Çakır
Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
A new approach to contact angle measurement and effects of evaporation on the contact angle
MF Cakır
Revista Mexicana de F ́ısica 70 (031003), 1-8, 2024
Investigation of Wettability Behavior and Surface Topology of PVC Materials Used in Outdoor Applications
MF Çakır, M Karhan, F Issı
Politeknik Dergisi 27 (2), 809-817, 2024
Sıvı seviye ölçümü için mekatronik sistem tasarımı ve uygulaması
MF Çakır
Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8 (1), 150-157, 2022
Analysis of electric field and potential distribution of experimental setup for initiating and growing vented type water trees using finite element method
M Karhan, MF Çakır, M Uğur
Journal Of Science And Arts 3 (52), 755-766, 2020
Savunma ve Havacılık Sanayinde Kullanılan Molibdenin Hidrofobisitesinin ve Hidrofilisitesinin İncelenmesi
M Karhan, MF Çakır, Ç Ersin
Electronic Letters on Science and Engineering 15 (3), 74-80, 2019
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Articles 1–20