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359 1995 A generalized statistical convergence via ideals E Savas, P Das
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331 2011 On generalizations of certain summability methods using ideals P Das, E Savas, SK Ghosal
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287 2011 Matematikte öğrenci başarısını etkileyen faktörler E Savaş, S Taş, A Duru
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166 * 2004 Matrix transformations between sequence spaces of generalized weighted means E Malkowsky, E Savas
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129 2000 On statistically convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers E Savaş
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110 2000 Some -sequence spaces defined by a modulus E Malkowsky, E Savas
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104 2000 Δm-strongly summable sequences spaces in 2-normed spaces defined by ideal convergence and an Orlicz function E Savaş
Applied mathematics and computation 217 (1), 271-276, 2010
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95 2000 On some generalized sequence spaces defined by a modulus E Savas
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 30 (5), 1999
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79 2014