Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit Aksoy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit Aksoy
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Wrexham Maelor Hospital
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Cited by
Intracranial epidermoid cysts: diffusion-weighted, FLAIR and conventional MR findings
B Hakyemez, U Aksoy, H Yildiz, N Ergin
European journal of radiology 54 (2), 214-220, 2005
Treatment of breast abscesses with ultrasound-guided aspiration and irrigation in the emergency setting
B Ozseker, UA Ozcan, K Rasa, OM Cizmeli
Emergency radiology 15, 105-108, 2008
Magnetic resonance imaging before breast cancer surgery: results of an observational multicenter international prospective analysis (MIPA)
F Sardanelli, RM Trimboli, N Houssami, FJ Gilbert, TH Helbich, ...
European radiology, 1-13, 2022
Prenatal color Doppler sonographic evaluation of nuchal encirclement by the umbilical cord
U Aksoy
Journal of clinical ultrasound 31 (9), 473-477, 2003
Evaluation of the placenta with relative apparent diffusion coefficient and T2 signal intensity analysis
AK Sivrioglu, U Ozcan, A Turk, S Ulus, ME Yildiz, G Sonmez, H Mutlu
Diagn Interv Radiol 19 (6), 495-500, 2013
Whole-body MRI screening in asymptomatic subjects; preliminary experience and long-term follow-up findings
S Ulus, E Suleyman, UA Ozcan, E Karaarslan
Polish journal of radiology 81, 407, 2016
Imaging spectrum of TIPIC syndrome: validation of a new entity with vessel wall imaging
S Ulus, U Aksoy Ozcan, A Arslan, A Buturak, A Dincer, S Kara, ...
Clinical Neuroradiology 30 (1), 145-157, 2020
Solving the preoperative breast MRI conundrum: design and protocol of the MIPA study
F Sardanelli, RM Trimboli, N Houssami, FJ Gilbert, TH Helbich, ...
European radiology 30, 5427-5436, 2020
Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma: a case of complete prenatal involution
UA Ozcan
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 38 (2), 85-88, 2010
Asymptomatic remote cerebellar hemorrhage: CT and MRI findings
A Dincer, Ü Özcan, D Kaya, Mİ Usseli, C Erzen, MN Pamir
The Cerebellum 11, 880-886, 2012
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging findings of cortical vein thrombosis at 3 T
ME Yıldız, UA Ozcan, A Turk, OS Ulus, C Erzen, A Dincer
Clinical neuroradiology 25, 249-256, 2015
Assessment of parathyroid glands in hemodialysis patients by using color Doppler sonography
UA Ozcan, I Oktay
European radiology 19 (11), 2750-2755, 2009
Space occupying lesions in the fetal chest evaluated by MRI
UA Ozcan, E Altun, L Abbasoglu
Iranian Journal of Radiology 9 (3), 122, 2012
Breast augmentation with Aquafilling: complications and radiologic features of two cases
UA Ozcan, S Ulus, A Kucukcelebi
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 42 (4), 405-408, 2019
Identification of fetal precentral gyrus on diffusion weighted MRI
UA Ozcan, U Işik, A Dincer, C Erzen
Brain and Development 35 (1), 4-9, 2013
Screening and diagnostic breast MRI: how do they impact surgical treatment? Insights from the MIPA study
A Cozzi, G Di Leo, N Houssami, FJ Gilbert, TH Helbich, M Álvarez Benito, ...
European radiology 33 (9), 6213-6225, 2023
An unusual cause of small bowel obstruction: CT diagnosis of dried apricots
UA Ozcan, S Yilmaz, S Akansel, MO Cizmeli, M Ertem
Emergency Radiology 14, 417-419, 2007
Preoperative breast MRI positively impacts surgical outcomes of needle biopsy–diagnosed pure DCIS: a patient-matched analysis from the MIPA study
A Cozzi, G Di Leo, N Houssami, FJ Gilbert, TH Helbich, M Álvarez Benito, ...
European radiology 34 (6), 3970-3980, 2024
Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of fetal maxillary sinuses
UA Ozcan, ME Yildiz, S Ulus, A Turk, C Erzen, HI Canter
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 25 (2), 363-366, 2014
Is there a role for BLADE acquisition in T2-weighted breast MRI?
UA Ozcan, A Dincer, M Erdem Yildiz, M Cinko, M Olcay Cizmeli
Acta Radiologica 51 (10), 1078-1085, 2010
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Articles 1–20