Ayhan Kursat ERBAS
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Cited by
Unpacking the inequality among Turkish schools: Findings from PISA 2006
C Alacacı, AK Erbaş
International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2), 182-192, 2010
Kassel Projesi Cebir Testinde Bir Grup Türk Öğ rencinin Genel Başarısı ve Öğ renme Güçlükleri
Y Ersoy, AK Erbaş
İlköğretim Online 4 (1), 18-39, 2005
Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions of Mathematical Literacy
M Genc, AK Erbas
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 7 …, 2019
Matematik eğitiminde matematiksel modelleme: Temel kavramlar ve farklı yaklaşımlar
AK Erbaş, M Kertil, B Çetinkaya, E Çakıroğlu, C Alacacı, S Baş
Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 14 (4), 1-21, 2014
The effect of inquiry-based explorations in a dynamic geometry environment on sixth grade students’ achievements in polygons
AK Erbas, AA Yenmez
Computers & Education 57 (4), 2462-2475, 2011
Öğrencilerin basit doğrusal denklemlerin çözümünde karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve kavram yanılgıları
AK Erbaş, B Çetinkaya, Y Ersoy
Eğitim ve Bilim 34 (152), 2010
Mathematical modeling in mathematics education: basic concepts and approaches.
AK Erbas, M Kertil, B Çetinkaya, E Cakiroglu, C Alacaci, S Bas
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 14 (4), 1621-1627, 2014
A Comparison of Mathematics Textbooks from Turkey, Singapore, and the United States of America.
AK Erbas, C Alacaci, M Bulut
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 12 (3), 2324-2329, 2012
The contribution of personality traits, motivation, academic risk-taking and metacognition to the creative ability in mathematics
AK Erbas, S Bas
Creativity Research Journal 27 (4), 299-307, 2015
Çoklu gösterimlerle problem çözme ve teknolojinin rolü
AK Erbaş
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 4 (4), 88-92, 2005
Effect of Dynamic Geometry Environment on Immediate and Retention Level Achievements of Seventh Grade Students.
B Ubuz, I Üstün, AK Erbaş
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), 2009
Performance and Difficulties of Students in Formulating and Solving Quadratic Equations with One Unknown
MG Didis, AK Erbas
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 4 (1), 1137-1150, 2015
Dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin eşitliklerin çözümündeki başarıları ve olası kavram yanılgıları
AK Erbaş, Y Ersoy
V. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi 2, 573-578, 2002
Researching students’ strategies, episodes, and metacognitions in mathematical problem solving
AK Erbas, S Okur
Quality & Quantity 46, 89-102, 2012
Relational understanding of the derivative concept through mathematical modeling: A case study
Z Sahin, AA Yenmez, AK Erbas
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 11 (1), 177-188, 2015
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching the Function Concept and Student Learning Outcomes
V Hatisaru, AK Erbas
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2015
Exploring the quality of the mathematical tasks in the new Turkish elementary school mathematics curriculum guidebook: The case of algebra
B Ubuz, AK Erbaş, B Çetinkaya, M Özgeldi
Zdm 42, 483-491, 2010
Exploring prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ interpretation of student thinking through analysing students’ work in modelling
MG Didis, AK Erbas, B Cetinkaya, E Cakiroglu, C Alacaci
Mathematics Education Research Journal 28 (3), 349–378, 2016
Learning mathematics with interactive whiteboards and computer-based graphing utility
AK Erbas, M Ince, S Kaya
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 18 (2), 299-312, 2015
Öğretmenlerin dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin cebirsel düşünme yapılarıyla ilgili bilgileri
S Baş, B Çetinkaya, AK Erbaş
Eğitim ve Bilim 36 (159), 2011
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Articles 1–20