Mert BAL
Mert BAL
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Cited by
Decision support system for collision avoidance of vessels
U Simsir, MF Amasyalı, M Bal, UB Çelebi, S Ertugrul
Applied soft computing 25, 369-378, 2014
Rough sets theory as symbolic data mining method: an application on complete decision table
M Bal
Inf. Sci. Lett 2 (1), 35-47, 2013
Performance evaluation of the machine learning algorithms used in inference mechanism of a medical decision support system
M Bal, MF Amasyali, H Sever, G Kose, A Demirhan
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 137896, 2014
Predictions of oil/chemical tanker main design parameters using computational intelligence techniques
S Ekinci, UB Çelebi, M Bal, MF Amasyali, UK Boyaci
Applied soft computing 11 (2), 2356-2366, 2011
Analysis of 87 patients with Löfgren’s syndrome and the pattern of seasonality of subacute sarcoidosis
S Sipahi Demirkok, M Basaranoglu, E Dervis, M Bal, T Karayel
Respirology 11 (4), 456-461, 2006
İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Etkin Bir İşe Alım Süreci İçin Yapay Zekâ Yöntemlerinin Kullanımı
M Bal, Y Bal, S Bozkurt
3rd International Congress Ofeurasian Social Sciences, 2019
Comparison of different inference algorithms for medical decision making
G Kose, H Sever, M Bal, A Ustundag
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 7 (sup1), 29-44, 2014
Creating competitive advantage by using data mining technique as an innovative method for decision making process in business
M Bal, Y Bal, A Demirhan
Transdisciplinary Marketing Concepts and Emergent Methods for Virtual …, 2013
Knowledge representation and discovery using formal concept analysis: An HRM application
M Bal, Y Bal, A Ustundag
The World congress on engineering 11, 2011
Using rough set theory for supply chain management process in business
M Bal, A Demirhan
Proceedings of the XI Balkan conference on operational research (BALCOR 2013 …, 2013
Fiziksel etkinlik kartlarının yer değiştirme ve dengeleme hareketleri gelişimine etkisi (Beykoz ilçesi pilot ilkokul uygulaması) Bildiri Kitabı. 14
S Bozkurt, M Bal, B Kırbayır, O Erkut
Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Antalya, 2016
Proaktif insan kaynakları yönetiminin yeni gücü: İK analitiği ve yapay zekâ
Y Bal, M Bal
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal 9 (3), 1198-1216, 2021
An overview of path planning technologies for unmanned aerial vehicles
M Bal
Thermal Science 26 (4 Part A), 2865-2876, 2022
Analysis of changes in market shares of commercial banks operating in turkey using computational intelligence algorithms
MF Amasyali, A Demırhan, M Bal
Advances in Artificial Intelligence 2014 (1), 649860, 2014
Modeling the symptom-disease relationshi p by using rough set theory and formal concept analysis
M Bal, H Sever, O Kalıpsız
World Acad Sci Eng Technol (WASET) 26 (12), 517-521, 2007
Evaluating market basket data with formal concept analysis
A Üstündağ, M Bal
Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2012, 113-118, 2013
A new paradigm in decision making process in business: using soft computing methods
Y Bal, MDA Bal, S Bzkurt
Glob J Technol 1, 1185-1190, 2012
Deep Image Restoration For Image Anti-Forensics
E Tahir, M Bal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.02751, 2024
A novel approach for the recruitment process in human resources management: decision support system based on formal concept analysis
M Bal, Y Bal
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) 14 (1 …, 2022
International cooperation on airborne forest fire-fighting: opportunities for Turkey and Greece
M Bal, O Ozpeynirci, O Yurt
International Journal of Ecology & Development 34 (1), 61-74, 2019
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Articles 1–20